You may be aware that marriage revokes a Will unless you state in your Will that you are making it in contemplation of marriage. That’s not the same for divorce.  Divorce will not revoke your Will Where a person makes a Will and subsequently divorces, has their marriage annulled or dissolves their civil partnership then…

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When someone dies, their estate comprising all they owned at the time of death less any debts and will be passed to their beneficiaries. Beneficiaries can be named if the deceased had written a Will, otherwise it will pass down the family tree in accordance with the Laws of Inheritance which are legally binding and…

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Have the Swedes got it right with their view of helping to relieve the burdon on those left behind when we die by a process called “Death Cleaning”.   The words are uncomfortable to listen to, but when you get your head around it, the idea is really very sensible and once you set your mind…

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Well after nearly a year since her death, when everyone thought Aretha Franklin was yet another superstar who’d died without making a Will, not one but three handwritten Wills have been found. Two handwritten wills from 2010 were found in a locked cabinet after a key was located, and another from 2014 was found in…

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If it sounds familiar it’s the title of a song by Bob Dylan, and hugely apt as it goes. Ken Dodd who sadly passed away aged 90, just over a year ago has made an amazing gift to the people of Liverpool.  He secretly married his long-term partner Anne Jones in his home just 48…

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HM, Courts & Tribunals Service made a major announcement in mid-January this year, saying their online probate service would be greatly enhanced  to make applying for probate simpler and easier. The intention of this updated service is to enable people applying for probate to do so from the comfort of their own home, even with…

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In December 2018 Gerald Cotton, Chief Executive Officer of QuadrigaCX, died unexpectedly at the age of 30.  QuadrigaCX was a Canadian cryptocurrency exchange organisation. Cryptocurrencies are stored in a “virtual wallet” which uses a string of random characters called a “public key”, for use when sending and receiving the cryptocurrency. A separate “private key” allows…

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Well, that’s exactly what happened to Caroline Aherne’s mother after her daughter’s tragic death in 2016.  In case you don’t remember her, amongst her better-known roles was her alto ego, the bespectacled chat show host in The Mrs Merton Show. Want to know why and what she should have done, then read on. Caroline was…

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